Sunday, January 26, 2014

Be careful when creating a password for your account. A bad password will hurt ourselves. Even if the account contains data then the company would harm a company.

Then how the criteria of good passwords and bad password? If you are googling with the keyword then google will show hundreds of thousands of search list. So on this occasion the author will write from a personal angle and the author's experience.

A good password is a password that is not easily guessed by others. Good passwords also have character combinations of letters, numbers and symbols at least a minimum of 7 characters. When creating a password is better to use a word that is easy to remember. Some examples of good password is: Nev312ever, SAKu124w4terC0L0r, m4gicSTUD10, and so on.

Do not assume that the password is not in the dictionary as "qwerty" , "asdf" is safe. Or even if you choose your password is "password ". Do not also write something sequences such as "123456" because it is predictable. Bad password is password that does not use a combination of characters.


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