Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Google is rumored to be producing smart watches . Google reportedly entrusted LG to manufacture devices smart watches .

After the success with the LG Nexus smartphone , Google gives more credence to the LG to manufacture the smart watches . Based on reports from Ubergizmo , Monday ( 24/02/2014 ) , LG has been selected by Google as a manufacturing plant smartwatch product.

Rumors also mention LG and Google have formed a joint team to produce the first smartwatch from Google . Assumptions circulating lately said Google will use the Android OS to run on smart watches . But the latest news mentions , smartwatch from Google will run with Google Now . Which is also used by Google as the ' brain ' of the Google Glass .

According to information , the Google smartwatch mentioned will be launched in March, and will be exhibited in June at the Google I / O. If it is launched later, Google must compete with vendors that have released the first smartwatch products such as Samsung , Sony , and Pebble .

**Picture taken from digitaltrends.com 


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